swimsuit season in Levittown NY - are you ready?

With swimsuit season right around the corner, if your body isn’t quite looking the way you’d like it to look, here are a few healthy eating tips to help you get into shape by the time you hit the beach.

Begin by keeping a picture of your dream swimsuit nearby to help keep you motivated to eat healthier. Don’t be hasty and go out and purchase your swimsuit before you get into shape. Wait until you feel good about yourself and the work you’ve done to tone up. Then shop to your heart’s content. The bonus is the closer you get to summer the more sales you’ll find!

Eating for your summer body is not about starvation. For someone to stick to a new way of eating, it has to become a lifestyle change. This means that your diet has to provide both healthy foods and a few pleasures to keep you interested. Moderation is key.

Increase your fiber intake. Fiber keeps the digestive system working properly. No one wants to be bloated in their new swimsuit! Fiber grabs onto fat while it gets digested. Fiber also keeps you feeling fuller longer so you don’t overeat.

Drink your water. Water is crucial in everyone’s diet. It keeps the human machine in proper working order. Water cleanses the inside of toxins that can harm the body and make it harder to lose weight.

Eat more often. To get the best your body has to offer, you need to feed it the good stuff a little at a time, all day long. Eat whole fresh foods to get the best nutritional value and fiber. Avoid highly processed foods which miss many of the nutrients your body needs. More frequent lighter meals also increases your metabolism.

Stay away from empty calorie foods and drinks. Empty calories add fat and will sabotage your efforts to lose weight and look great. So instead of reaching for a soft drink, try flavored water.

Get sleep. Without proper rest, your body can’t repair itself and get you ready for the next day. Stress is also more of an issue when we don’t rest properly which can lead to increased levels of cortisol in your system. This hormone is your enemy if you want to lose belly fat.

Now while these tips can be used to help you get into shape in a hurry, keep in mind that choosing a healthy lifestyle which includes good food, exercise, and plenty of rest will help you look great far beyond one swimsuit season – and your good health will last a lifetime.

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